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季節限定的摘櫻桃之旅開團啦! 夏日櫻桃即摘即食之旅,跟著我們一起出發吧!


出發日期: ‘11月初熟期將會安排前往Young的櫻桃園’

11月: 23、24、30 (初熟期)

12月: 1、7、8、14、15、21、22、28、29(成熟期)


Hurstville (華英小廚旁) ------------------------------------------06:00am

Chinatown-78 Harbour St. Haymarket (假日酒店旁)----06:50am

Flemington火車站旁(the Crescent)-------------------------07:20am


  • 豪華旅遊巴士
  • 中文司機兼導遊
  • 入場門票(限櫻桃團)
  • 行程中列出的餐食及門票
  • 司機導遊小費AUD5 / 每人每天 (大小同價)
  • 自費專案
  • 旅行保險

Tour Itinerary


摘櫻桃之旅 日程安排

前往水果基地奧靈治城品嚐新鮮櫻桃,比以往的團足足省了4 小時的車程。精心設計特色行程,帶給你難忘驚喜 ! 早上從悉尼出發前往奧靈治城,沿途經炮台玫瑰花園,團友可在玫瑰大道與美麗的玫瑰花拍照。之後沿著賽車跑道前往 山頂,團友可在賽車跑道上感受像賽車飛馳的刺激,到達山頂後可俯瞰四周平原、果園景色及巴芙特古鎮。自費在市內 午餐(多種餐廳選擇)。隨後前往櫻桃園,團友可親手採摘及品 嚐新鮮甜蜜的櫻桃,更可購買自己採摘的櫻桃與親友分享 ($5~7/kg),帶著開心的回憶返回悉尼。

Depart Sydney in the morning and head to Orchard for a day of exciting pick all-you-can-eat cherries. Stop off at the Rose Gardens on the way to smell the roses on the main concourse and to take pictures among the plentiful flowers. Continue on to Australia’s Motor Racing Circuit to get a taste of the exhilarating speeds on the tracks-almost like you could be flying! When you research the summit of the race track, take in magnificent views of the town of Bathurst. You might be able to see some cherry and fruit orchards too! Head to Bathurst in the afternoon for lunch (many restaurant choices) at your own expense and follow on to the cherry orchards – the highlight of the day. Pick and taste the freshest and sweetest cherries with your close friends and family and don’t forget to pick some home to share with those missing out ! Cherries can be purchased for $5-$7/per kg. Return back to Sydney bringing home treasured memories and experiences.




Tour Enquiry Form