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01 Jun & 07 Sep





西安迎賓餃子宴,蘭州拉麵風味,張掖甘州風味,敦煌雪山駝掌風味,新疆大盤雞風味, 新疆烤全羊风味


備註 / Remarks

◎ 訂金每位$2000, 餘款于出發前60 天付清
Deposit $2000 pp, remaining balance to be paid 60 days before departure


  • 國際機票經濟艙,燃油稅及機場稅

  • 全程四-五星酒店(2人1房)
  • 行程中所列的餐費和景點門票及遊覽車
  • 中文導遊
  • 簽證費及旅遊保險,自費項目和個人消費, 導遊和司機小費:AUD $200/人(不含行李小費)。

  • *小童費用適用於2至11歲小孩。
  • **推薦自費專案:(自願參加)乌鲁木齐巴扎歌舞宴330元/人;敦煌歌舞秀280元/人;足浴180元/人;图瓦家访80元/人;三道湾游船120元/人;

Tour Itinerary


Day 1 & 2:澳洲 – 西安

酒店/Hotel: Golden Flower Hotel Xi’an by Shangri-La或同級
Tonight depart from Australia to Xian via Guangzhou. Upon arrival, you will be met at Xian airport and transferred to your hotel.

Day 3:西安

酒店/Hotel: Golden Flower Hotel Xi’an by Shangri-La或同級
After breakfast, drive to visit the original Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses [World Heritage] the attached defending army to the first emperor of China and regarded as the “Eight Wonder of the World. It is also one of the top archaeological excavations of the 20th century. In the afternoon, visit Huaqing Pool–the beautiful hot springs pool where Emperor Xuan Zong of Tang Dynasty spent winters with beloved Concubine Yang. Continue to visit Big Goose Pagoda Culture Square and Tang Ever-bright City to enjoy charms of night of Xian. (B/L/D)

Day 4:西安 – 天水

酒店/Hotel: Huachen Hotel或同級
In the morning, take bullet train to Maijishan Grottoes located in the side of the Majishan in Tianshui City, Gansu Province. There are a series of 194 caves with over 7,200 Buddhist sculptures and more than 1,000 square meters‟ of murals. (B/L/D)

Day 5:天水 – 蘭州

早上驅車前往甘肅省省會蘭州市。抵達後遊覽:白塔山公園,水車園,黃河母親像,黃河鐵橋。【白塔山公園】位於蘭州市黃河北岸的白塔山上,因山頭有一座元代白塔而得名。【黃河鐵橋】舊名鎮遠橋,位於白塔山下,素有“天下黃河第一橋”之稱,建於西元1907 年,後為紀念孫中山先生而改名為“中山橋”,是蘭州標誌性建築之一。【黃河母親像】位於黃河南岸的濱河路中段,由“母親”和一“男嬰”組成構圖。【水車園】是展現水車文化的主題公園,蘭州水車是一種利用黃河水流自然的衝擊力的水利設施,為再現水車這一古老的灌溉工具。(早/午/晚餐)
酒店/Hotel: Legend Hotel或同級
Drive to Lanzhou this morning. Upon arrival, start the Lanzhou city tour. Visit White Pagoda Hill Park, where you can marvel at the seven-storied octagonal shaped with a height of 17 meters. Visit Lanzhou Waterwheel Park which boasts the largest number waterwheels in a park in the world! Enjoy the Statue of Mother Yellow River, one of the best sculptures of its kind in China. Visit Zhongshan Iron Bridge, the first bridge over the Yellow River, is located at the foot of Bai Ta Mountain in Lanzhou city. the best sculptures of its kind in China. (B/L/D

Day 6:蘭州 – 武威 – 張掖


酒店/Hotel: Electricity Mansion Hotel或同級
After breakfast, drive to Wuwei, a famous Hexi Corridor city. Upon arrival, enjoy your visit to Leitai Tomb-a large brick-chambered tomb of late Eastern Han Dynasty and is famous for its bronze galloping horse unearthed. Visit Wuwei Confucius Temple, a group of architectures imitating the style of the imperial palaces built in the 1439 and is now the city museum. Then visit Haizang Temple which is one of the temples preserved intact in the Hexi Region. Later, visit Kumarajiva Temple and the stupa of Kumarajiva. Continue to Zhangye city. (B/L/D)

Day 7:張掖 – 酒泉

早餐後遊覽張掖大佛寺、五彩山(含電瓶車)。【大佛寺】是歷史文化名城金張掖的標誌性建築,有建於西夏的大佛寺、隋代的萬壽木塔、明代的彌陀千佛塔、鐘鼓樓以及名揚西北的清代山西會館。【五彩山】位於張掖市臨澤縣境內,在方圓一百平方山地丘陵地帶,有造型奇特,色彩斑斕,氣勢磅礴的丹霞地貌,這裏的丹霞地貌發育於距今約200 萬年的前侏羅紀至第三紀,被專家譽為“張掖窗櫺狀宮殿式丹霞地貌中國第一”。後前往酒泉,遊覽酒泉公园和夜光杯厂。【酒泉公園】又稱泉湖公園,因史傳霍去病西征匈奴,大獲全勝於此,漢武帝賜禦酒以賞,霍去病以功在全軍,人多酒少,遂傾酒於泉中,與將士共飲,故有“酒泉”之名,現為一座集古典園林、天然湖、文化遊憩、趣味娛樂於一體的綜合性公園。(早/午/晚餐)
酒店/Hotel: Jiuquan Hotel或同級
Morning visit Grand Buddha Temple which is home to China’s largest indoor reclining Buddha. Then visit the most beautiful and well-developed Zhangye Danxia Landform, where magnificent rocks and hills roll like waves into the distance. Afterward driving to Jiuquan and visit Jiuquan Park. (B/L/D)

Day 8:酒泉 – 嘉峪關 – 敦煌

早早餐後前往嘉峪關遊覽嘉峪關城樓。嘉峪關城樓位於嘉峪關市西南7 公里,是萬裏長城西端終點,其規模宏大,氣勢雄偉,整個建築由內城、外城、城牆等部分組成“城內有城”,它作為內地與西域、中原與大漠之間紛爭與融合的見證,悲壯而輝煌。後驅車前往敦煌,遊覽【鳴沙山+ 月牙泉+ 騎駱駝】,鳴沙山位於敦煌市南郊7公里,整個山體由細米粒狀黃沙積聚而成,狂風起時,沙山會發出巨大的響聲,因而得名為鳴沙山,月牙泉處於鳴沙山環抱之中,山色水光相映成趣,是一處神奇的漫漫沙漠中的湖水奇觀。(早/午/晚餐)
酒店/Hotel: Fuguo Hotel或同級
Today you will take a special excursion to Jiayuguan Pass. It is the western terminus of the Great Wall and has been praised as ‘Mighty Pass No.1 under Heaven’. Afterward drive to Dunhuang, visit Crescent Spring and Singing Sand Dune (Camel ride included). Encircled by the sand dunes is Crescent Spring, an oasis shaped like a crescent moon. It is a miracle that the spring has never dried up over the past thousand years. (B/L/D)

Day 9:敦煌

今日遊覽玉門關和雅丹魔鬼城(含電瓶車)。【玉門關】位於敦煌市西北90 公里,傳說著名的“和田玉”經此輸入中原,因而得名,它是古代“絲綢之路”北路必經的關隘。這裏出土了許多有價值的文物,如毛筆、硯臺、織錦、狩獵工具等,這些文物為研究漢代的軍事、經濟、文化、生活提供了珍貴的史料。【雅丹魔鬼城】這裏看不見一草一木,到處是黑色的礪石沙海,黃色的黏土雕像,在蔚藍的天空下各種造型惟妙惟肖,由於缺少植物的保護,大漠狂風像鋒利的刻刀,雕成錯落有致的岩沙奇異形體。(早/午/晚餐)
酒店/Hotel: Fuguo Hotel或同級
Morning visit Yumenguan Pass~strategic pass on the ancient Silk Road. Continue to experience the amazing Dunhuang Yadan National Geologic Park, the largest one of Yadan Landform found so far. Yadan Landforms were superlatively marvelous with different size of areas, and varied forms of topography. (B/L/D)

Day 10:敦煌 – 柳園 -吐魯番

早餐後前往敦煌莫高窟。【莫高窟】是中國四大石窟之一,迄今已有1643 年的歷史,現保存完好的洞窟492 個,彩塑2499 身,壁畫45000 平方米,是古建築、雕塑、壁畫三者相結合的藝術宮殿,是世界上現存規模最宏大,保存最完好的佛教藝術寶庫。後乘动车前往吐鲁番-丝路最大的绿洲。(早/午/晚餐)
酒店/Hotel: Mai xi lai pu Hotel或同級
Morning visit the famous Mogao Grottoes [World Heritage], which is considered the great treasure house of Buddhist arts in existence. Mogao Grottoes is the largest, oldest and best-preserved array of Buddhist grottoes in the world. After the tour, take a bullet train to Turpan. (B/L/D)

Day 11:吐魯番 – 烏魯木齊

今天遊覽吐魯番:蘇公塔、葡萄溝、坎兒井、交河故城。【蘇公塔】又名額敏塔,至今已有200 多年的歷史。整個建築群由古塔和清真寺兩大部份組成,是一座造型新穎別致的伊斯蘭教古塔,整個塔身用青灰色磚建成,塔身渾圓,自下而上,逐漸收縮,充分體現維吾爾族建築藝術的精華,是新疆境內最大的古塔。【葡萄溝】南北長約8 公里、東西寬約2 公里,是火焰山下的一處峽穀,溝內有布依魯克河流過,主要水源為高山融雪,因盛產葡萄而得名。途觀【火焰山】。火焰山位於吐魯番盆地的北緣,赤褐色的山體在烈日照射下,砂岩灼灼閃光,熾熱的氣流翻滾上升,就像烈焰熊熊,火舌撩天,故又名火焰山,這裏是中國最熱的地方,夏季最高氣溫高達攝氏47.8度,地表最高溫度高達攝氏70 度以上。【坎兒井】是人們利用山的坡度,巧妙地創造了坎兒井,引地下潛流灌溉農田。與萬里長城、京杭大運河並稱中國古代三大工程。【交河故城】於西元前2 世紀至5 世紀由車師人開創和建造,曾是西域36 國之一的“車師前國”的都城,現存遺址是世界上最大最古老、保存最完好的生土建築城市,也是中國保存兩千多年最完整的都市遺跡。後驅車前往自治區首府烏魯木齊。(早/午/晚餐)
酒店/Hotel: Hoi Tak Hotel或同級
Today, visit Emin Minaret (Sugong Pagoda) – the biggest ancient pagoda in Xinjiang and the only Islamic ancient pagoda in the country. After visit the unique Turpan featured attraction Grape Valley – famous for the cultivation of the sweetest, tastiest grapes. Enroute you will see the chain of Flaming mountains. Continue to Karez Well~reputed as one of the three major construction projects in ancient China. Followed by the mysterious death city-the Ruins of Jiaohe Ancient City, which reveals traces of a prosperous ancient trading center and military stronghold 1,600 years ago. After tour, continuse to Urumqi. ( B/L/D)

Day 12:烏魯木齊

今天遊覽天山天池(區間車+ 遊船)、新疆自治區博物館、國際大巴扎。【天山天池風景區】是以高山湖泊為中心的自然風景區,以天池為中心,融森林、草原、雪山、人文景觀為一體,形成別具一格的風光特色,天池古稱” 瑤池”,湖面海拔1910 米,湖濱雲杉環繞,雪峰輝映,非常壯觀。【新疆維吾爾自治區博物館】館藏豐富,不僅囊括了絲綢之路沿線的大量珍貴文物,還有許多保存完好的出土乾屍,其中之一就是聞名遐邇的「樓蘭美女」,另外還有關於新疆各少數民族的介紹展廳,是瞭解新疆的最佳視窗。【國際大巴紮區】是烏魯木齊的商貿市集,巴紮一帶居民多是少數民族。其中各族商店販賣許多富有民族特色的物品,是領略民族風情及購物的好去處。(早/午/晚餐)
酒店/Hotel: Hoi Tak Hotel或同級
Today travel northeast to Heavenly Lake (Tianchi) – the beautiful lake is flanked by rugged pines and cypresses, with clear melting waters reflecting the surrounding of snow capped Mount Bogeda. After visit Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum, including the exhibitions of Xinjiang Folk Customs, Historical and Cultural Relics and Ancient Mummies. Then take a short visit to Erdaoqiao Grand Bazaar, which is believed to be the largest outdoor market in town. (B/L/D)

Day 13 & 14:烏魯木齊 – 澳洲

早餐後送往機場,搭乘飛機飛返澳洲。次日抵達温暖的家。 (早餐)
Free at leisure until your transfer to Urumqi Airport. Fly back to Australia.Arrive in Australia next day morning. (B)




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